This is me.

This is me.  I am the mom.  And this is the second reason why Novi began.  It became a little side fund to help the ever changing needs of growing children in a full time ministry home.  The first reason?  To help support my love for missions and the desire to go and be the hands and feet of the very One who rescued my own life.  After crowding out my little foyer with crafts and hobby making, I soon turned our dining room into my work studio and quickly (reluctantly at first ) tried my hand at a little jewelry.  Falling in love with copper almost immediately, it is still my first choice of metals.  I guess that is obvious!

Shy one year of a biology major with a chemistry minor and a physical therapist assistant for 4 years, if you’d asked me if this was my life long dream to create jewelry I most assuredly would have said no.  It’s funny.  Now I love making jewelry.  But that was not my plan.  This word pops in my mind – flexibility.

If you will remain flexible at all times, willing to change course if need be, I have found that it brings the most amazing life adventures!  My husband, John, used this word OFTEN  in ministry.  This is him by the way, He is usually always BEHIND the camera, not in front and takes most of my professional pictures.

So, when I catch him its a rarity. The love of my life, we began dating when I was 16.  It’s a pretty romantic little story and more so even now.  It, however, would be a blog post of its own…

The point of this post is to reintroduce my business to old friends and hopefully make some new ones. We have decided that it is time for Novi to become more than a side business/hobby. Those of you who know me can see that I am stepping way out of my comfort zone. My life has been a series of leaps of faith, some big, some small. You would think it gets easier each time.

It doesn’t.

That’s the adventure right? All those steps and leaps have added up to a thrilling story that God is creating in me – in each of us. The purpose of Novi Creations hasn’t really changed. It’s only grown into something bigger. It isn’t just about raising some money for mission trips and family extras. With this business I want to show the creativity planted in me by the Creator. I want to share the story of Redemption through my work. I want to set an example for my children and my friends of someone who is willing to take risks for the things they believe in.

I have had AMAZING support from family, friends and customers. Let me take this moment to say a great big THANK YOU! It has meant so much. If you want to continue to be a part of this story, see what happens next, or if you just want to be among the first to find out about new products and special offers, please sign up for the Novi Creations Newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Also, I would love to hear from you. What leaps of faith have you taken recently? What’s your advice about expanding a business? Do you think I’m completely crazy for selling handmade jewelry? Share your thoughts on Facebook and Instagram and as always, feel free to connect through our Contact page.


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