Aloha, friends!


I cannot even hope to describe the most recent Stockstill adventure in adequate detail, but I can try to show you through photos.


We’ve been to Hawaii before, but this time, we went with the intention of taking photos- senior casuals for Lily and some Novi products for me.

Boy, oh, boy was that a success!


John has always dabbled in the art of photography, and so we let him have his fun. Hawaii might as well have been a paid actor for how the weather, sky, and ocean showed up and showed out!


We had some much needed bonding time with my two youngest. One, that’s already set off into the world and is rarely home; the other, so close to leaving the nest. I’m holding on to every second I get with them, and now we’ve got these fun, quirky, hilarious memories. We only wish Dylan and Dara had been there, too!



After all of the “serious” pictures, there of course would be the sillies.




But you know, you don’t need a special trip to spend time with your family. You just need intention. With ours being so split up lately, it was peaceful to have most of us together again… but being in Hawaii was a pretty cool addition. Enjoy some of John’s photos of our trip!


Make sure you’re following on social media so you can see the product shots he got. They are FABULOUS, if I do say so myself. But I might be a little biased.






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